Purpose: Support the Ukrainian people by establishing social enterprises with social and/or environmental impact.

Form of support: online incubation program for creating a proper business and impact plan. Participants receive support from our mentors in the business domain and psychosocial support to prepare them to work with socially vulnerable groups.

Format of the program:
● Online e-learning materials
● Biweekly online follow-up group meetings (5 group sessions altogether)

Cost of the program: free of charge

Duration of the program: 10 weeks

Language of the program: Ukrainian/Russian, English (at least 1 person from a team)

Criteria for participation:
- Business idea (it can be submitted individually or in a team). No formal legal entity is needed.
- Ukrainian citizenship or permanent residence
- Living in Ukraine or being able to impact Ukraine from abroad
- Access to the internet with the opportunity for video calls and uploading files (the program is flexible to
handle the issues caused by electricity outages)
- Active participation (deadline extension is available twice)
- Submitted application form (personal data, description of the problem, the planned solution, and the expected
impact. The length of the proposed idea description is 1 page). No previous business experience is required.

Selection process:
- Applications will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of the problem
- Business potential

- Impact potential
- Potential of the applicant
- Selected applicants will be invited to the orientation phase of the program based on their performance during
the orientation assignments

Number of participants:
- Max 20 persons

Program managers:
Mihail Dryzhyruk - Social Entrepreneurship MA student at Tallinn University (business mentor) Antonina Petrovic, PhD - psychologist (psychosocial mentor), fasilitator, PM Certification

Program timeline:
1. Preparation phase (2 weeks):
- Setting up the program team, training the trainers
- Setting up the technical background of the program on the SEIP platform
- Social media marketing for the program
2. Orientation phase (2 weeks):
- “What is social entrepreneurship?” course https://www.seincubation.com/challenge-page/socialentrepreneurship
- “Moonshot thinking” course https://www.seincubation.com/challenge-page/moonsh
- First follow-up online session

Participants who complete course 1 and course 2 within two weeks and their submissions are accepted by the trainers will go further in the program. Those who should have submitted or whose submissions were not accepted will not be allowed to continue the program in this batch.

3. Empathizing phase (4 weeks):
- “Research your users’ needs - Empathize” course https://www.seincubation.com/challenge-page/emp
- “Develop a persona” course https://www.seincubation.com/challenge-page/persona
- Two follow-up online sessions
4. Business development model (4 weeks):
- “Business model canvas” course https://www.seincubation.com/challenge-page/canvasnodel
- One follow-up online session
- Final pitching online session (at the end of the program, every participant introduces their business plan based on the CANVAS model with a max. 7 minutes pitch).

Each participant who completes the program receives a digital certificate from SEIP.



LIFE Project

Our inter-disciplinary approach comes to life. Ever thought of making a podcast about international sports? A policy for inclusive hiring? Or a brand video for a social enterprise? During the LIFE Project, you work with students from across all of Tallinn University’s faculties on a project that you are interested in. No previous experience is needed!

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Multi-disciplinary courses - 66 ECTS

Social Entrepreneurship uses a multi-disciplinary approach. You will learn about Contemporary Social Problems, Social Innovation, Civil Society, Social Capital, and Super-Diversity. The core courses of the program strengthen your academic knowledge of societal issues. You learn to identify the beneficiaries of your future Social Enterprise. And you learn how to support your goals with academic theories.

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Master’s thesis seminar - 6 ECTS

Just like any other master’s program, the Social Entrepreneurship program is concluded with a master’s thesis. If you’ve been working on your own social enterprise, you summarize the results in a project thesis. Alternatively, you can choose to contribute to the field of Social Entrepreneurship with your academic knowledge and finish your degree with a research thesis.

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