


Partners from: Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany


Funded by the European Commission


The main aim of KiNESIS is to create a Knowledge Alliance among academia, NGOs, communities, local authorities, businesses to develop a program of multidisciplinary activities in shrinking areas with the aim of promoting and fostering ideas, projects, workforce, productivity and attractiveness.

The project aims are: i) revitalising depopulated areas by stimulating entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills; ii) creating local living laboratories, shared at European level, in which the exchange of knowledge, best practices, experiences can help promote social inclusion and entrepreneurial development; iii) experimenting new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches in teaching and learning; iv) facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge at a local and global level.


Traineeships, conferences, events and living labs on social enterprises

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LIFE Project

Our inter-disciplinary approach comes to life. Ever thought of making a podcast about international sports? A policy for inclusive hiring? Or a brand video for a social enterprise? During the LIFE Project, you work with students from across all of Tallinn University’s faculties on a project that you are interested in. No previous experience is needed!

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Multi-disciplinary courses - 66 ECTS

Social Entrepreneurship uses a multi-disciplinary approach. You will learn about Contemporary Social Problems, Social Innovation, Civil Society, Social Capital, and Super-Diversity. The core courses of the program strengthen your academic knowledge of societal issues. You learn to identify the beneficiaries of your future Social Enterprise. And you learn how to support your goals with academic theories.

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Master’s thesis seminar - 6 ECTS

Just like any other master’s program, the Social Entrepreneurship program is concluded with a master’s thesis. If you’ve been working on your own social enterprise, you summarize the results in a project thesis. Alternatively, you can choose to contribute to the field of Social Entrepreneurship with your academic knowledge and finish your degree with a research thesis.

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